火曜日, 9月 04, 2012



『闇 の勢力は実際に、勝利を我が物にしてニューワールドオーダーの実現は手の届く距離にあると思い込んでいました。しかし彼らは皆さんの抵抗力と自分たちに立 ち向かう毅然とした決意を計算には入れていませんでした。そして21世紀を迎えて比較的短期間で、皆さんは彼らを打ち負かす光の飛躍的な増加を地球上に実 現してきたのです。
彼らはいまだに騒音をまき散らして、自分たち がアセンションの計画を妨げることができると思っていますが、現実には彼らはもはやチッポケな邪魔者にすぎません。彼らにはもういかなる現実の成功も達成 する力は残されてはいず、自分たちの帝国の崩壊を目の当たりにして呆然と立ち尽くすだけなのです。

私たちが今取り組んでいる活動はまだ機能し続 けている彼らが設立したシステム(の改革)です。それはディスクロージャーの実現を妨げている障害の一例だと言えますが、一日一日が過ぎるにつれて、彼ら の妨害は取り除かれつつあります。いったんディスクロージャーが公式に承認されれば、堰を切ったように私たち宇宙ファミリーと皆さん地球人類の長年にわた る交流の真相が多くの側面から明らかにされていきます。
オープンコンタクトは(ディスクロージャーと は)独立したイベントと見られますが、それはアセンションの始まる前に実現することになります。このような壮大な真相の公開に十分に備えることが求められ ています。多くの人々はまだ、私たちを受け入れる態勢に無いばかりか、私たちの実在を信じようとはしていないからです。しかし、真相は必ず明らかにされる 必要があります。私たちの訪問と皆さんの未来は分かち難く結びついていて、私たちのすべては1つ(一体)であるからです。

私たちの地球到着は皆さんから何かを奪うシグ ナルとなることは決してなく、むしろ反対に、皆さん地球人類がニューエイジへ飛躍するための多くの援助をプレゼントすることを告げる福音と受け止めてくだ さい。もちろん、(ファーストコンタクトは)それだけで終わるイベントではなく、私たちはその後、同じ基盤に立って合流を遂げ、私たちがプレゼントしたも のと同じタイプの体験を必要とする人々に贈る活動を進めていきます。』‥





3 Responses

  • Robin. PERMALINK
    July 28, 2010
    Lovely ‘logo’.. but don’t we NEED an image of a shining UFO in the top left corner??
    Go On!!
    In Light.

    • Steve Beckow PERMALINK
      October 17, 2010
      There you go, Robin.

  • Jasmine PERMALINK
    February 10, 2011
    Disclosure is happening now.
    To those anxiously waiting for disclosure, it appears that it is happening now.
    Many of us envisioned disclosure as a sudden dramatic announcement, with some reacting in joy, others in terror.
    However it appears to be unfolding in a very different way. Disclosure is occurring in stages and over a period of time. It is being handled in a psychologically and politically sophisticated manner.
    For those paying close attention, it certainly looks like a soft disclosure plan was set into motion soon after Obama took office.
    Obama appears to be spearheading a global strategy towards eventual hard disclosure. The plan has all the earmarks of the Obama style when implementing change: subtle, inclusive, incremental, well-planned and seamless. It is a quiet, unstoppable movement forward that carefully lays groundwork in stages.
    It is also most likely that Obama and other world leaders are not working alone. It is assumed that Galactics have a standard and successful disclosure protocol. This will not have been the first time a somewhat primitive planet has been introduced to interplanetary neighbors. The how and when of disclosure is most certainly a well thought out strategy on the part of Galactics.
    The strategy is a global one, and appears to be two-pronged. First, there has been an overall ramping up of the public’s exposure to all things UFO and ET. This involves an increase in UFO sightings all over the world, often quite dramatic and visible to many.
    Media output has also significantly increased on this topic. More TV shows and articles in the popular press about UFOS. (The History Channel’s Ancient Alien series has been very popular and has created a lot of buzz.)
    Respected military and high-level officials are coming forward about their own UFO sightings. NASA and other US agencies have released related information, i.e. there is water on other planets, building blocks for life exist on other planets, there are other earth like planets, etc. NASA photos are being released with unusual structures, which are scrutinized on YouTube. Not a week goes by without something on this topic it seems.
    This is not just occurring in America, but all over the world. The Chinese State TV and Chinese scientific groups recently made public statements about UFOs and
    Disclosure, stating that UFOs are real, and that disclosure would come soon. These statements could not have been made without the express permission of the Chinese government, a typically closed, secretive totalitarian regime. It is remarkable and highly unusual.
    This global media blitz serves to permeate the collective world psyche in a subtle but powerful way: aliens do exist. This notion is obviously being moved from fringe to mainstream. We are looking now at serious, professional and respected reflection and discussion.
    The second prong consists of setting up the social/political/ religious infrastructure to handle disclosure. There have been a number of world institutions setting up committees to study or liaise with ETs: The Vatican’s public statements and study groups, the UN appointing an ambassador to interact with Extraterrestals.
    Totally out of character for the Vatican, a traditional and conservative organization not noted for a futuristic outlook. Like the Chinese public statements, this was a stunner.
    There is no denying that something is afoot.
    The PR campaign involves the scientific, professional, military, religious community, international community and the UN. All designed to elevate the level of discourse, to decrease our anxiety and prepare us psychologically for what is to come. In psychological terms, this is called desensitization.
    We are not just being desensitized to Galactic Disclosure but also to all kinds of secret information. Much heretofore secret information is being made public. Weekly we are given information by Wikileaks that moves us out of our comfort zone of denial and ignorance.
    Not only is our collective psychology being changed, but also the global infrastructure is being established to handle the eventual disclosure. It will be an organized methodical process, handled by leaders and institutions we trust.
    The Galactics are demonstrating advanced psychological and political skill.
    If this first stage of disclosure is any indication, the subsequent phases will go smoothly and with little of the chaos and fear predicted by some.
    Make no mistake, Phase 1 is happening now.

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